Global Shapers Kyiv Hub

Global Shapers Kyiv Hub


What is the Global Shapers Community?

Born out of the World Economic Forum, the Global Shapers Community is a network of inspiring young people working together to address local, regional, and global challenges. In each city, teams of Shapers self-organize to create projects that address the needs of their community. Projects are wide-ranging – from responding to disasters and combating poverty, to fighting climate change and building inclusive communities. Shapers are diverse in expertise, education, income and race, but are united by their desire to bring about change.

Our Values


We demonstrate cooperation by proactively working with others to achieve a common goal


We use passion to channel our energy into positive action


We have integrity through the unity of our action and values


We practice service by striving to understand the needs of my community and taking actions to improve it


We are commited to consistently honoring my obligations and selflessly supporting the agreed agenda and goals of my community


Support Ukraine Now

  • Is an organisation which provides the most effective help to Ukraine by enabling foreigners to help
  • Started as an information platform and turned into an organisation of diverse projects in the economic, diplomatic, and welfare spheres
  • We Inform and engage people how to help every day in different ways
🌏Global Insights

Global Insights is a series of events by Global Shapers Kyiv Hub, aimed at developing youth and young leaders, by sharing modern practical insightful knowledge on topics currently interesting to young leaders.

Profuture Camp

Career guidance camp, which consists of 6 lectures and 6 practical tasks (there may be more speakers)

Ukraine Discovery Tour

On May 30 May we invite Global Shapers and YGLs to Kyiv, Ukraine for 4 unforgettable days. The project is aimed to open Ukraine for the international community with its success stories and developments, break the stereotypes on its internal transformation and improve the investment climate.

Make me Better & Global Shapers mentorship program

MakeMeBetter is a professional mentorship program for those who want to have good start from scratch in any new profession. Program connects best professionals with newbies in their field. During 3 years of existence, the team of mentors has grown to 260 qualified professionals from all over Ukraine and more than 200 participants accomplished the program and made their new careers more successfull.

Global WEF Survey 2017 presentation, "The World Through Eyes of Millenials"

In Ukraine, young people (those who 14-35 years) constitute nearly one third of the population. Ukrainian youth is characterized by a rather high educational level and civil activity. However, so far, its voice has been relevant mostly only locally. For the Kyiv Hub it was both a pleasure and honour to endorse the views of young Ukrainians globally and to represent Ukraine through the Global Shapers Survey.

Read the report in Ukrainian >